About Us

FECT is currently in its 18th year with many ventures in varied fields. We invite the reader to pursue these highlights and the objectives and advocacy of this science for society and environment foundation.

Scientists from the Foundation for Environment, Climate and Technology, Maldives National University, Columbia University are working with others in Universities, Water Supply and Meteorological Services to develop monitoring and predictive tools for drought risk and to address a riddle in climate change projections which predict a wetter climate although what has been experienced is sustained drying. This project is sponsored under the PEER program of the US National Academy of Sciences and USAID program in Sri Lanka and Maldives

This Foundation was established to promote environmental and climate technology and its applications in multiple fields. Realizing this, we started FECT in 2002, and officially registered it as a non-profit company in 31st December 2003 (Registration No: N(A)1148 & GA 56 (from 2008) under a service oriented non-profit charter with the Registrar of Companies, Samagam Medura, No.400, D.R.Wijewardena Mawatha, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka. FECT builds on the work of the officers in Sri Lanka and internationally. Our work is oriented towards developing useable scientific and technological information that can be applied by users in diverse sectors.


To sustain a center of excellence in climate, environmental and information technologies and related areas where quality research is to support sustainable development and advance of technological capacity for societal welfare.

Our Past Contributions

  • Can drought and flood hazard be skillfully assessed at fine spatial resolution from combining constrained streams of observed, remotely sensed and model predicted data in Sri Lanka and the Maldives? (August 2015 – July 2018)
  • Developing Monitoring Tools for Managing Drought Risk and addressing the riddle of Increased Drought Tendency amidst the Wetter Climate Change Projections in Sri Lanka and Maldives
  • Intra-seasonal climate predictions for Sri Lanka and Maldives for water resources management
  • Assessing Water Scarcity and Alternative Mitigation options for the Maldives
  • Climate and Dengue in the Maldives- 2014 Onwards
  • Planning for Capacity and Science Development in Climate in Maldives (2009-2011)
  • Satellite Rainfall Monitoring Tool (2009-2010)
  • Climatological Analysis (2010-2011)
  • Climate Predictions for Maldives (2011 onwards)

Our Goal is to contribute towards

  • Disaster Risk Identification for Maldives
  • Disaster Information Dissemination
  • Hydro meteorological Monitoring
  • Regional Climate Modeling
  • Dynamic Disaster Hazard Identification
  • Early Warning Systems for Natural Hazards
  • Early Warning System for Dengue Risk


  • Foundation for Environment, Climate and Technology- International
  • Maldives National University
  • Maldives Meteorological Service
  • Renewable Energy Maldives

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