This website was developed to assist with relief and reconstruction operations with a focus on Sri Lanka. It provides an introduction to the Tsunami disaster,
Sri Lanka, disaster management and health care, provides important maps, information on regional weather and climate and contains links to related websites and efforts.
Revival -
Resources and news for revival and reconstruction and its
various aspects covering people, environment,
infrastructure, economy, governance and civil society.
Background - Scientific background of tsunami, country profile of Sri Lanka, introduction to
disaster risk management and climate of Sri Lanka.
Maps & Data - Introductory maps of Sri Lanka, damage maps, satellite maps, seasonal maps and social indicators.
Data related to tsunami damage, impact on people and infrastructure. Needs assessments and situation reports.
Maps relevant to the reconstruction phase.
News & Fora - A
public web-forum on reconstruction. Profiles of grassroots
organizations and resources exchange. Seminars, first hand
accounts and blogs. Opinions.
Document Portal - Short print-friendly
documents on vital topics to assist information needs of
those involved in relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Blogs -
Blog of Lareef Zubair, on his
visit to Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the tsunami and his work with relief
Serving Sri Lanka Blog, focusing
on fostering sustainable, fair, and just grassroot level development.